I started my pursuit of the universe at age 15, with telescope I built and a goal to
see deeper and better into the wonders of God's Creation and to capture part
of it. Surely this is a common pursuit of most amateur astronomers
who are involved for the simple fascination of the subject.
With such an interest in Space, my career started with a degree
as an Aerospace engineer (ie, a Rocket Scientist). Microprocessors and
personal computing were just taking off at that time and I was swept up
in its advance, and turned to developing software.
As an amateur astronomer, I has always been a strong
proponent of telescope making and enjoy the challenges of creating
affordable telescopes. This led to his becoming an amateur optician, and
to date I has made or assisted others in making over three dozen
telescope mirrors, up to 24 inches in diameter.
I became an amateur photographer, interested in planetary photographer, and high-resolution photography, exacting all the detail I can get out of my images.
Next I turned my interests in exploring to Scuba Diving and underwater photography.
Here I share some of the photography of above the water and below the skies of things I have had the privilege and skills to capture - just a very small part of God's Creation.
It is my hope that as you look at these marvels, that you stop and reflect on the One who made it all possible and come to a knowledge of Him.
~ Robert Duvall